Be sure to check out the newly added page, Oboe Repair Contacts. Here you can find a complete and trusted list of some of the best oboe and English horn repairmen around the country.
In case you missed seeing former student, Myles Harlan (Interlochen), being featured on Detroit Public Television's Detroit Performs, you can catch an encore performance here online! It's a fantastic piece about his personal and musical journey, and I couldn't be more proud. Myles studied with me from 2009-2011, when he received a scholarship to attend Interlochen Academy for the Arts in Northern MIchigan. Myles will be attending Vanderbilt University this fall, where he will double major in oboe performance and business administration. Best wishes!!!
After purchasing my second new Loree English horn from Carlos Coelho this month, I was reminded of a great article by Paul Covey that covers why the break-in process is important when getting a new instrument, as well as exactly how to break in a new oboe and/or English horn. Enjoy!
What does the Expression "Break in an Oboe " Mean? There are two phenomena that the term "break in" is used to describe when speaking of an oboe. The first is the process by which the actual wood of the instrument is acclimated to fluctuating exposure to water, heat, and vibration. Should too much moisture be allowed to soak into the bore and/or tone holes of the oboe while the outside of the oboe remains dry, or should the inside of the oboe be allowed to be much warmer than the outside, the wood is stressed and may release tension by cracking. Therefore, one would "break in" an oboe carefully at first, allowing moisture to soak into the oboe a little at a time, while protecting the oboe diligently from temperature extremes. The instructions below refer to this meaning of the expression "break in". Be sure to visit Online Lessons to watch the newly posted video about how to sharpen a double hollow ground reed knife quickly and efficiently!
August 2024
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