!8th grade, Ethan H. (Ferndale MS) was selected from all of the oboist across Oakland area to participate in the MSBOA Honor Band in April.
Freshman student, Sierra B. received a first division on her concerto at Regional Solo & Ensemble and will perform again at State Solo & Ensemble in March!
Student, Clark S. performs Devienne Sonata No 1 for the Regional State Solo & Ensemble Contest. Clark received a First Divison on this solo and will perform again at State Solo & Ensemble in March!
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Congratulations to all of my high school students at Regional Solo & Ensemble! EVERY student solo received a first division and will advance to State Solo & Ensemble in March!
7th Grade Middle School student, Jai-Lauryn D., performed at her very first solo & ensemble competition this past week at Rochester High School where she received a first division on her oboe solo & performed BEAUTIFULLY! Jai-Lauryn began oboe last year as a 6th grader and has grown immensely. I'm so proud of all of her hard work!
Congratulations to 8th grade student, Ethan H. (Ferndale MS), for making it into Middle School Honor Band 2018! Ethan will perform with other top level students from around the city in March at Orchestra Hall in March of 2018. He was chosen as one of the best oboists in the area and I'm extremely proud of his hard work this school year!
High School Junior, JonMichael S. (West Bloomfield HS) was chosen to participate in the High School Honor Band Concert this past week. JonMichael performed with advanced high-school students from around the area and will compete at the Regional Solo & Ensemble contest in a few weeks, where he will perform the Poulenc Sonata
Congratulations to my undergraduate oboe professor and mentor, Dr. Doris DeLoach on her retirement from Baylor University! Dr. DeLoach will retire from teaching over 45 years at Baylor University at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Her students have gone onto play with major symphony orchestras around the country, earn Doctoral degrees and become oboe professors at major universities, and teach students from around the world. Dr. DeLoach's students have also gone on to study at Cleveland Institute of Music, Juilliard School of Music, Mannes, Manhattan, Fulbright Scholars, Northwestern University, and all of the top music schools in the country. I am proud to have studied with Dr. DeLoach and to be a part of her musical legacy!
https://www.baylor.edu/music/index.php?id=859297 |
August 2024
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